When can I start?
You can start when you receive your assignments.
How do I edit an evaluation?
An evaluation is intended to be a final decision. Please be careful when submitting. Nevertheless, mistakes happen. Whether you accidentally submitted a wrong evaluation or later realized an adjustment needs to be made, please contact the support team immediately to reopen the task.
Can I speak to other evaluators?
Yes, you can speak to other evaluators either in slack or by phone during the evaluation process.
Please be aware this is not approved for CUI or FOUO conversations so we only use it as a communication tool for unclassified unlimited type conversations. Slack will give us all the opportunity to have real time communications with your fellow evaluators and also the AFWERX team in case you need any technical support during the evaluation phase.
What if I have a conflict of interest with a solution that I’m evaluating?
Please do not evaluate this if you find a conflict and alert the AFWERX Project Manager immediately on slack.
What is a “rubric?”
A rubric is a scoring guide used to evaluate work, it helps you to assess the quality of submission by reading the different evaluation criteria and also having a description of what a score of 1-5 means to help you.
- RELEVANCE Is this solution within the scope of this challenge topic?
- FEASIBILITY Can this solution be implemented within the current organization/process?
- DOD IMPACT How much impact will this solution have on the DoD?
- SCALABILITY Is the solution able to scale across USAF and DoD within the selected timeline?
- TEAM EXPERTISE Does the team proposing the solution have the required expertise to implement the solution?
- OVERALL IMPRESSION All things considered should this solution move forward?
What happens next?
After all evaluations are completed, they will be tabulated and reviewed by the Government team and finalists selected to move into the next phase of the challenge, which is Showcase Selection.
Will you all have a distro list of who is evaluating email contacts for those within our category?
We will send out the distribution list with all of those evaluating and their expertise.
What is the deadline?
The evaluation process will begin on 7/13 and finishes on 7/22.
What if I'm not able to complete the tasks?
Are these industry or military submissions?